I'm Myles,

a programmer.


Hi, I'm Myles! I am a computer science student at the University of Windsor. Computers have always fascinated me; I just love the idea of someone else being able to use something that I created. I'm always open to new opportunities, so don't hesitate to contact me!


I have been programming for 3 years now, and have picked up several languages. I'm proficient in Java, C, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and many of the technologies that go along with those languages. I also have experience managing Linux servers.


I have taken 14 classes related to computer science at the University of Windsor, with the most notable being: Software Development, Data Structures & Algorithms, Object Origented Programming Using Java, and System Programming.

I am currently managing a Linux server for an unreleased gaming community which runs an Nginx web server / reverse proxy, a MariaDB server, several game servers, and more!

Contact Me